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Prayer Book

We are proud to announce the publication of Volume I of our siddur, The New Liberal Jewish Prayer Book, for weekdays, Sabbaths, and festivals. With a text that draws on traditional rites from around the world, both living and dead, as well as the historic liturgies of Progressive Judaism, it strives to bring our present world into focus by taking the broadest possible view of our past.

The prayer book also features alternative services utilizing feminine Hebrew God-language, as well as dozens of sources never before included in a siddur. Texts from the Jewish Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, Dead Sea Scrolls, Cairo Genizah, non-Rabbinic Ethiopian and Samaritan liturgies, and more appear alongside a detailed commentary and images of important sources. The entire liturgy is given in both Hebrew and English, with transliterations of passages likely to be recited in Hebrew.

Hardbound copies are available for $40, plus $4 for shipping. Please contact us about placing an order.


The Liberal Jewish Fellowship
South Bend, Indiana

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